I wrote a post last week about the ignorance of world-poetry by most American poets. I have often complained about presses and poets that are so myopic that they choose to publish and read only narrow poetry by their friends.
For every Ugly Duckling Presse or Circumference magazine that chooses to highlight the broad world there is a Flood Editions or Denver Quarterly that chooses to highlight a narrow parochialism.
Having said this there are poets and presses that need to be highlighted.
- Patrick Durgin's Kenning Editions for example has done a yeoman's job of highlighting innovative and global writing and their new book by Laura Solorzano translated by Jen Hofer is a must read.
- Aufgabe Magazine and Litmus press published by E Tracy Grinnell annually does more for global literature than most University Presses. the latest Aufgabe on Italian poetry edited by jennifer scappettone is the best anthology of contemporary Italian verse currently in print.
- Mandorla edited by Kristen Dykstra does more for Latin American writing than most presses. Mandorla has brought some of Cuba's most important poets to American audiences for the first time.
- Ugly Duckling Presse from New York does a great job of highlighting Eastern European and othe global writing.
- The website Action Yes edited by Johannes Gorensson is prob. the best website for translations and global literature.
- The Brazilian magazine Sibilia edited by Regis Bonvicino is a great vehicle for American, Brazilian and European literature.
It is important to note that all of these efforts are independent non-profits. They need donations and support. So the next time someone asks you for money for a good cause- give to poetry and support these presses.
Hey Ray
Small correction: Action Books published the Laura Solorzano book. Patrick published Jen's Dolores Dorantes book. Not that it matters. They're both fine books.
Hi Ray,
Here in Durham, Tony Tost's online magazine Fascicle also publishes some pretty amazing stuff from all over the world.
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